Contoh Soal TPS UTBK 2019/2020
Contoh Soal UTBK TPS Bahasa Inggris
Questions 1—4 are based on the following passage.Forests have the ability to regulate water systems, prevent erosion and flood, and maintain soil fertility. The ability of forests is inseparable from the existence of millions and even billions of trees in a forest area. Trees only store water for their own needs, and the land saves water.
Billions of trees with their wide canopies will hold back rain. In this position, rain water does not directly hit the soil surface, but will fall slowly through the leaves and flow through the tree trunk. Then, the soil surface filled with tree trunks will produce quite a lot of litter originating from organic materials in the forms of leaf and dry twigs. Dramatically, littering is heading towards the decay process. The organic materials are collected on the soil surface.
Litter blocks the water falling from the canopy so it does not directly hit the soil. Litter also functions as a place to live for millions of organisms (e.g. worms). This organism punctures the land as a home and place of life. This organism’s behavior causes the soil surface to become loose and porous. When rain drops from the canopy fall onto the litter, the water slowly flows to the soil surface. The loose and porous top layer of soil will absorb the water and then the water will be stored in the aquifer, the underground river.
The soil surface in the forest has high capacity to absorb rainwater. As a result, most of the rainwater seeps into the soil; only a little becomes running water. Running water is the water that cannot be absorbed by the soil surface. This water will go down to a lower area. If running water exceeds the carrying capacity of the river, it can certainly cause flood. Most of the rainwater that falls in the forest area will be absorbed by the soil and stored in the aquifer.
Furthermore, the water stored in the aquifer will come out regularly through springs. From these springs, water flows through rivers that are mostly found in the forest area. In addition, there is also underground water that comes out as a spring in the resident wells.
1. The word 'dramatically' in paragraph 2 is best replaced by ....
A. gradually
B. naturally
C. amazingly
D. surprisingly
E. simultaneously
2. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Water guarantees millions of organisms to survive in forest areas.
B. Land stores and releases water through various processes.
C. Litter gradually flows water to the soil surface.
D. Trees store water to fulfill human daily needs.
E. Forests have various benefits for human life
3. With the sentence ‘This organism's behavior causes the soil surface to become loose and porous’ in paragraph 3, the writer intends to ....
A. describe the organism and its behavior against loose soil
B. confirm the behavior of organisms in loose soil
C. compare the loose soil with the porous soil
D. uncover natural processes at soil srosion
E. explain the causes of soil erosion
4. What most likely motivates the writer in writing the passage?
A. There is an unresolved flood problem.
B. People’s awareness towards reforestation is low.
C. Not many people understand the benefits of water for forests.
D. There is the fallacious concept that trees store large amount of water.
E. The information about the importance of trees in storing water is not available.
Kunci Jawaban:
1.A, 2.B, 3.E, 4.D
Contoh Soal TKA Soshum
Soal UTBK TKA Soshum - Sejarah 2019/2020
Pembuatan periodisasi pada masa praaksara seperti masa berburu dan meramu, masa bercocok tanam dan menetap, masa perundagian, dan seterusnya, didasarkan, pada perkembangan aspek ....A. sosial-politik
B. sosial-ekonomi
C. kebudayaan
D. ekonomi-politik
E. sosial-budaya
Kunci Jawaban: B
Soal UTBK TKA Soshum - Geografi 2019/2020
Konflik pemanfaatan sumberdaya lahan gambut terjadi antara perusahaan yang memproduksi kayu dan masyarakat yang memanfaatkan lahan secara tradisional sebagai sumber penghidupan. Pengelolaan lahan oleh perusahaan dilakukan dengan membuat kanal-kanal untuk mengatur ketinggian muka air. Pengaturan ketinggian muka air menyebabkan keringnya beberapa rawa dan danau yang menjadi sumber penghidupan masyarakat. Berbagai sumber penghidupan masyarakat lainnya menjadi terganggu dengan berubahnya hutan alam menjadi tanaman kayu budidaya oleh perusahaan.Soal No. 1
Bentuk awal perubahan lingkungan fisik lahan gambut oleh hadirnya perusahaan
yang menyebabkan kehidupan masyarakat terganggu adalah ….
A. pembuatan kanal-kanal air
B. menipisnya lapisan gambut
C. peningkatan risiko kebakaran
D. berkurangnya tutupan hutan alam
E. mengeringnya rawa dan danau
Soal No. 2
Karakteristik masyarakat di Kepulauan Hawai berbeda dengan Kepulauan Banda yang sama-sama merupakan pulau-pulau gunung api karena ....
A. tingkat pendidikan masyarakat
B. akar budaya masyarakat
C. tingkat pendapatan masyarakat
D. jaminan sosial negara
E. tingkat kerentanan bencana
Kunci Jawaban:
1. A, 2. B
Soal UTBK TKA Soshum - Sosiologi 2019/2020
Soal No. 1Rendi seorang remaja yang tidak suka keluar rumah. Ia selalu melakukan berbagai kegiatan melalui internet. Mulai dari belajar, bermain sampai memesan keperluan hidupnya ia selalu membeli secara online. Kondisi ini menjelaskan bahwa Rendi melakukan interaksi sosial jenis ….
A. komunikatif
B. interaktif
C. langsung media
D. tidak langsung
E. face to face
Soal No. 2
Kelompok yang keanggotaannya berjumlah kecil, terjadi kontak mendalam dan berulang-ulang, berinteraksi secara face to face, oleh Charles Horton Cooley disebut kelompok ....
A. primer
B. sekunder
C. patembayan
D. paguyuban
E. minoritas
Soal No. 3
Reza anak seorang direktur yang bergaya hidup mewah ketika bersekolah. Sebelum menyelesaikan sekolahnya, perusahaan orangtuanya mengalami kebangkrutan, sehingga Reza putus sekolah dan mengalami kesulitan dalam kehidupannya. Bentuk mobilitas sosial yang dialami Reza termasuk mobilitas sosial ....
A. vertikal naik
B. vertikal turun
C. intragenerasi
D. antargenerasi
E. horizontal
Kunci Jawaban:
1. D, 2. A, 3. B
Soal UTBK TKA Soshum - Ekonomi 2019/2020
Soal No.1Kebutuhan manusia yang tidak terbatas berhadapan dengan alat pemuas kebutuhan yang jumlahnya terbatas disebut ....
A. ketimpangan
B. defisit
C. inefisiensi
D. kelangkaan
E. eksternalitas
Soal No. 2
Perusahaan jasa cleaning service menerima pesanan untuk membersihkan kantor. Apabila di awal bulan menerima uang muka pembayaran senilai Rp1.000.000,00, maka perusahaan akan mencatatnya dengan jurnal ....
A. debit kas, kredit pendapatan
B. debit kas, kredit piutang
C. debit kas, kredit utang
D. debit kas, kredit ekuitas
E. debit kas, kredit laba
Kunci Jawaban:
1. D, 2. C
Prediksi Soal UTBK TPS, TKA Saintek, TKA Soshum dan Pembahasan 2019/2020
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